Charta Orbis Orbisut nomen sonat, mappa est cum mappula alba variis coloribus impressa in charta alba. Linteis albis utimur, sed parum fastidiosus est nec satis dives color est. Mappam mappam coloratam linteaminibus albis sublimatio est, sinit lintea varia et themata triclinii, ut se mutuo disponant ad triclinium varios creare.
Quia mappula ad vitam hominum propinqua sunt et in industria servitii implicantur, adhibenda sunt adhibenda tuta, non-toxica, valida in adhaesione et non cruore.
Napkin printing was originally printed with grease ink, which is characterized by good adaptability on the machine, but the smell of the printed matter is particularly strong. Some napkin printers using letterpress printing technology try to use glycol ink (washable) to print napkins to eliminate the smell of the print, but this process encounters some problems, such as ink bleeding when the print encounters glycol Paper (the liquid spreads out or penetrates in the paper); in addition, the machine adaptability of this ink is not ideal, so the ink used by Dongzhong Media is pure vegetable edible water-based ink.